

Welcome to the Oberon Americas Resources page, where you can find valu­able in­for­ma­tion, guides, and ma­te­rials to sup­port your needs. We are ded­i­cated to pro­viding our clients with the re­sources nec­es­sary to make in­formed de­ci­sions and op­ti­mize their ex­pe­ri­ence with our ser­vices.

You have sev­eral op­tions for get­ting help with an Oberon Americas so­lu­tion:

1) We have a ded­i­cated sup­port web­site where you can find our li­brary of self-help knowl­edge base ar­ti­cles 24 hours a day. You will also be able to open a new ticket or manage ex­isting ones. You must have an ac­count on the web­site in order to ac­cess these re­sources. This ac­count is sep­a­rate from any product ac­count you might have. Follow the in­struc­tions on the sup­port web­site’s Sign Up page to re­quest a new ac­count.

2) You can reach our sup­port team via email at

3) You may also call us at +1–877-830‑5553 ext. 1.

Please see the Contact Us page for all con­tact de­tails.

The Internet of Printers is Oberon Americas’ vi­sion for the fu­ture of the print fleet man­age­ment in­dustry. To un­der­stand more, please visit the Internet of Printers web page.

Visit the Oberon Americas Academy on YouTube for ad­di­tional training and ‘how to’ videos.

Let our team guide your business through its digital transformation