
Next Gen eCommerce

Introducing Oberon America’s Next Gen eCommerce Platform – a ground­breaking so­lu­tion rev­o­lu­tion­izing the dig­ital mar­ket­place.

This plat­form, trusted by Fortune 500 com­pa­nies, in­te­grates cut­ting-edge tech­nolo­gies like AI, AR, and IoT to offer a dy­namic on­line shop­ping ex­pe­ri­ence. With fea­tures like real-time pricing, a so­lu­tion con­fig­u­rator, and a ver­sa­tile checkout process, it stands out in the realm of Managed IT & Managed Print. Its AI Concierge and 3D vir­tual rooms pro­vide an un­par­al­leled, im­mer­sive buying journey.

Fully in­te­grated with CRM sys­tems and boasting over 2 mil­lion SKUs, it’s not just an e‑commerce site but a com­pre­hen­sive dig­ital ecosystem for busi­nesses aiming to excel in the modern mar­ket­place.

Create your own web­shop

Design your own look and feel

Link distributor/vendor cat­a­logs

Choose your own prod­ucts

Determine your own pricing

Securely set up spe­cial cus­tomer ac­counts

Access over 2 mil­lion prod­ucts

White label drop ship­ping

Connect to your ERP/CRM sys­tems

Overcoming Print Industry Challenges

We ad­dress sev­eral key chal­lenges in the dig­ital mar­ket­place for print dealers:

  • Subscription Models for Consumables: The plat­form can fa­cil­i­tate sub­scrip­tion-based models for reg­ular con­sum­able needs, like toner or paper, based on the usage data from the print de­vices.
  • Flexibility at checkout: Our cart has op­tions in­cluding sub­scrip­tion models, lease agree­ment au­toma­tion, and ex­isiting man­aged ser­vices con­tracts pur­chase or­ders
  • Automated Supply Management: Integration with IoT al­lows for au­to­mated tracking of ink and toner levels in printers. This can trigger au­to­matic re­ordering processes through the plat­form, en­suring that sup­plies are re­plen­ished ef­fi­ciently without manual in­ter­ven­tion.
  • Complexity in Integration: Through our Middleware Hub, it sim­pli­fies the in­te­gra­tion with CRM, ERP, and IoT sys­tems, stream­lining busi­ness op­er­a­tions.
  • Inventory and Pricing Management: Offers real-time pricing and ef­fi­cient in­ven­tory man­age­ment, cru­cial for dy­namic market con­di­tions.
  • Predictive Maintenance Services: With real-time data from print de­vices, the plat­form can offer pre­dic­tive main­te­nance, alerting users about po­ten­tial is­sues be­fore they be­come sig­nif­i­cant prob­lems.

User Friendly Interface
Real Time Pricing
Secure Payment Options
Automatic Stock Check
AI Concierge

3D Virtual Rooms buying ex­pe­ri­ence
Offer lease terms on checkout
Upsell al­ter­na­tive prod­ucts
Remote mon­i­toring and ser­vice man­age­ment