
Operational Enhancements

Thinking out­side the box can pay real div­i­dends. Our in­no­v­a­tive op­er­a­tional en­hance­ments will rev­o­lu­tionize the way you do busi­ness, from the or­dering of con­sum­ables to the de­livery of sup­port. These op­tions will have you standing out from the crowd, op­er­ating more ef­fi­ciently and boosting prof­itability.

JIT‑R System

Just in Time Replacement is our eco­log­ical so­lu­tion — a much better al­ter­na­tive than the usual just-in-time de­livery.

This en­vi­ron­men­tally-con­scious so­lu­tion not only in­curs no cost to you, the MPS re­seller, but also gen­er­ates rev­enue while en­hancing your com­pa­ny’s eco­log­ical pro­file and that of your cus­tomers.

It yields a 10% cost re­duc­tion com­pared to other methods, cou­pled with a 10% re­duc­tion in new car­tridge ex­penses, ef­fi­ciently man­aging in­ven­tory moves, and fa­cil­i­tating the re­turn of empty car­tridges.

Cartridge as a Service

Would you like a better con­sum­able busi­ness propo­si­tion? Our unique “CaaS” ser­vice model al­lows you to pro­vide printer car­tridges to cus­tomers on a reg­ular basis, and also col­lects and re­cy­cles the used car­tridges re­ducing the en­vi­ron­mental im­pact of printing and saving money on ink or toner.

E‑Commerce Mobile App

Our mo­bile e‑commerce app is de­signed to stream­line client con­sum­able re­quests, pro­viding a con­ve­nient and ef­fi­cient so­lu­tion for re­plen­ishing sup­plies on the go .

AR Service App

Our rev­o­lu­tionary mo­bile re­mote as­sist with aug­mented re­ality (AR) ap­pli­ca­tion will change how ma­chinery, equip­ment, and tech­ni­cians in­teract and re­ducing the need for ex­ten­sive travel.

Experience how aug­mented re­ality over­lays dig­ital ob­jects onto your phys­ical re­ality can fun­da­men­tally im­prove how you de­liver sup­port to your cus­tomers, im­proving op­er­a­tions and pro­moting en­vi­ron­mental sus­tain­ability.