
Reliable and timely data is the foundation of your business

The path to great cus­tomer re­la­tion­ships, en­hancing your rev­enue flow and low­ering your costs lies in a com­pre­hen­sive fleet man­age­ment so­lu­tion. Our ro­bust and flex­ible next-gen­er­a­tion data col­lec­tion agent (DCA) forms the core of our data-driven plat­form that pro­vides you with a pow­erful and cen­tral­ized dis­trib­uted fleet man­age­ment system.

More than just a DCA, our so­lu­tions will allow you to take your busi­ness to the next level, with op­tional fea­tures that can add new rev­enue streams, re­duce costs, con­sol­i­date cus­tomer re­la­tion­ships and more. 

Next-gen­er­a­tion data col­lec­tion agent core.

Industry-leading local and cloud data se­cu­rity.

Accurate, in­voice-ready meter billing.

Remote sup­port tools that im­prove cus­tomer ser­vice and re­duce costs.

White-la­beling op­tions for branded cus­tomer ex­pe­ri­ences.

US, Canadian and European-based cloud storage so­lu­tions.


Our scal­able so­lu­tions can be in­stalled on the widest va­riety of plat­forms avail­able on the market, in­cluding Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Raspberry PI net­work ap­pli­ances, and even em­bedded di­rectly on multi-func­tion de­vices. 


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More than just data collection

Reduce in­ven­to­ries and over­head with pre­dic­tive iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of up­coming con­sum­able re­place­ments and au­to­matic or­dering of con­sum­ables.

Gain in­sight via our pow­erful re­porting and dash­boarding, in­cluding un­leashing the full power of Microsoft PowerBI cus­tomized for the print and man­aged IT in­dus­tries via our own PowerBI Pro in­te­gra­tion.

Our cut­ting-edge Remote Assist and Augmented Reality (AR) sup­port fea­tures will rev­o­lu­tionize the way you de­liver hard­ware and soft­ware sup­port and re­pair ser­vices, min­i­mizing travel time & ex­pense and de­liv­ering faster sup­port.

Seamlessly feed data to your crit­ical ERP and CRM busi­ness so­lu­tions using our flex­ible and pow­erful DataConnect Pro mid­dle­ware hub that pro­vides in­sight and con­trol over the flow of data. 

Interested in a no-obligation, free trial?