
Presenting an e‑commerce solution tailored for your channels

This plat­form, trusted and stress tested by in­dustry gi­ants like Cisco and Apple, in­te­grates cut­ting-edge tech­nolo­gies like AI, AR, IoT and Data Collection tech­nolo­gies to offer a dy­namic on­line shop­ping ex­pe­ri­ence. With fea­tures like real-time pricing, a so­lu­tion con­fig­u­rator, and a ver­sa­tile checkout process, it stands out in the realm of Managed IT & Managed Print. Its AI Concierge and 3D vir­tual rooms pro­vide an un­par­al­leled, im­mer­sive buying journey.

Fully in­te­grated with CRM sys­tems and boasting over 2 mil­lion SKUs, it’s not just an e‑commerce site but a com­pre­hen­sive dig­ital ecosystem for busi­nesses aiming to excel in the modern mar­ket­place.

An e‑Commerce solution for your channel

Facilitate ef­fec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion through the Channel by pro­viding re­sellers with the sup­port they need. Simplify Ecommerce ef­forts by cen­tral­izing con­tent man­age­ment, making the process smoother and more ef­fi­cient.

Support your channel with marketing syndication

Make it easy for your channel part­ners to rep­re­sent your brand. Offer all mar­keting ma­te­rials in one easy to use Microsite or banner cam­paign. Manage cen­trally used lo­cally. Resellers are au­to­mat­i­cally up­dated when you make a change cen­trally.

Is your current e‑commerce site making money?

360 de­gree vir­tual rooms

Configurators that help clients pick the right prod­ucts

Vendor mi­crosites in­cluding e‑commerce

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