
Turbocharge your help desk by quickly adding staff and a productive suite of software

Do you suffer from

  • Difficulty finding and re­taining qual­i­fied per­sonnel to staff your cus­tomer help desk?
  • Lack of band­width to take on the setup and ad­min­is­tra­tion of new sys­tems that would ben­efit your or­ga­ni­za­tion and cus­tomers?
  • Workload de­mands that ex­ceed avail­able re­sources?
  • Insufficient demand—either tem­po­rary or ongoing—to jus­tify ad­di­tional head­count?

Oberon Americas can help you avoid


Leading to missed ser­vice level tar­gets, burnt out staff and turnover.

Mediocre Service Delivery

Leverage not only our ex­pe­ri­enced staff but also our man­aged tech­nology and sys­tems.

When you en­hance some or all your help desk with Oberon Americas, you’ll ben­efit not only from our ex­pe­ri­enced staff but also from the tech­nology that we bring in sup­port of our work.​

With our en­hanced sup­port ser­vices, you can quickly add staff and a pro­duc­tive suite of soft­ware without having to worry about soft­ware ad­min­is­tra­tion or ramp up time.

Starting at only $599, you get

  • Skilled agents for sup­port and tech­nical ser­vices, and ad­min­is­tra­tive as­sis­tance.
  • Advanced help desk so­lu­tion and so­phis­ti­cated ticket man­age­ment.
  • Website-in­te­grated help desk con­tact widget.
  • Branded sup­port site with a knowl­edge li­brary.
  • Enterprise soft­phone system.
  • Client-fo­cused sched­uling system for meet­ings and ap­point­ments.

Oberon Americas offers a comprehensive range of help desk solutions, each tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization.

More Staff

Just ad­di­tional trained staff to aug­ment your ex­isting team.​

Turn-Key Help Desk

A fully-man­aged and fully- or par­tially-staffed turn-key help desk so­lu­tion.​

Technology Boost

Advanced man­aged soft­ware so­lu­tion.