
Integrate static and dynamic workflows in a unique SaaS scanning solution

ScanBox Pro is a Cloud-based scan­ning work­flow so­lu­tion that en­hances the scan­ning fea­ture of mul­ti­func­tion de­vices, in­te­grating scanned doc­u­ments into your busi­ness work­flow with simple custom menus and but­tons on the MFD’s front panel. 

The work­flow fully in­te­grates into your busi­ness ap­pli­ca­tions: custom plug-ins adapt seam­lessly to your needs, thus pro­viding an op­timal scan­ning ex­pe­ri­ence. With ScanBox Pro, it’s easy to build work­flow set­tings, manage them on a se­cure web portal and apply them to all the de­vices in­volved in the process, without jeop­ar­dizing your in­fra­struc­ture. 

Easy to configure. use. manage.

Managing ScanBox Pro and cre­ating new scan­ning op­tions is very easy, thanks to a user-friendly web plat­form, ac­ces­sible from any­where, any­time, without im­pacting your customer’s in­fra­struc­ture, yet pro­tecting the net­work and the doc­u­ments. 

How does it work?

  1. The op­er­ator touches a cus­tomized button on the MFP’s front panel — one cor­re­sponding to a spe­cific fea­ture or to the kind of doc­u­ments to be im­ported into a busi­ness ap­pli­ca­tion;
  2. The dig­ital doc­u­ments are se­curely sent di­rectly to the server or to the Cloud (be it pri­vate or public), where ScanBox Pro processes them, ap­plying pre­de­fined rules;
  3. The doc­u­ments are then se­curely sent to a busi­ness ap­pli­ca­tion or re-routed to pre­de­fined des­ti­na­tions.


Print from anywhere

Print to a vir­tual queue on the Cloud, any­time, any­where, sending doc­u­ments to a ScanBox Pro work­flow from any Windows PC, over the Cloud.

Fleet configuration management

Device con­fig­u­ra­tions can be easily ap­plied to all the de­vices with which the work­flow is as­so­ci­ated.

Enhanced security

Documents are pro­tected by state-of-the-art se­cu­rity pro­to­cols throughout their trans­mis­sion and pro­cessing.

Infrastructure protection

No admin ac­cess to local servers re­quired nor any spe­cific net­work con­fig­u­ra­tion. Everything can be man­aged through the web portal.


Use per­son­alize work­flows that en­hance doc­u­ment pro­cessing by adding in­dexing in­for­ma­tion, per­forming data ex­trac­tion, sup­porting bar­codes, routing to spe­cific des­ti­na­tions and much more.

Document consistency

ScanBox Pro can apply and en­force con­sis­tency to des­ti­na­tion file for­mats in ac­cor­dance with a customer’s busi­ness stan­dards.