
The Internet of Printers

“The Internet of Things (IoT) is the net­work of phys­ical ob­jects that con­tain em­bedded tech­nology to com­mu­ni­cate and sense or in­teract with their in­ternal states or the ex­ternal en­vi­ron­ment.” (Gartner)

The IoT is a ter­rific op­por­tu­nity for im­proving busi­ness processes, be­cause it en­ables Machine-to-Machine in­ter­ac­tion: the tran­si­tion from a manual, human, slow and error-prone process to a M2M au­to­matic one can trans­form a costly problem into a prof­itable so­lu­tion.

Printers are very good can­di­dates for the IoT as they can bring added value through con­trol and au­toma­tion, more than other many other “Things”.

In this pod­cast-style video se­ries, Timothy Robertson and his guests dis­cuss this tran­si­tion using next gen­er­a­tion cloud so­lu­tions and Artificial Intelligence to change the in­dustry: the “Internet of Printers”.