
Cancellation Policy

Welcome to Oberon Americas, where we value our clients and aim to pro­vide ex­cep­tional ser­vice. We un­der­stand that there may be sit­u­a­tions where you need to cancel a ser­vice agree­ment. To en­sure a clear and fair can­cel­la­tion process, please re­view our ser­vice can­cel­la­tion policy below.

1. Cancellation Notice Period

At Oberon Americas, we re­quire a no­tice pe­riod of  sixty (60) days be­fore the end of your ser­vice agree­ment for the ser­vice can­cel­la­tion. This means that if you wish to cancel a ser­vice agree­ment, you must no­tify us at least 60 days in ad­vance of the agree­ment’s ex­pi­ra­tion date.


When can­celling a monthly sub­scrip­tion, all fu­ture charges as­so­ci­ated with fu­ture months of your sub­scrip­tion will be can­celled. You may no­tify us of your in­tent to cancel at any time; your can­cel­la­tion will be­come ef­fec­tive at the end of your cur­rent monthly billing pe­riod (if no­ti­fi­ca­tion is re­ceived 60 days prior to the end of the agree­ment). You will not re­ceive a re­fund; how­ever, your sub­scrip­tion ac­cess and/or de­livery and ac­com­pa­nying sub­scriber ben­e­fits will con­tinue for the re­mainder of the cur­rent monthly billing pe­riod. If out­side of the 60-day no­ti­fi­ca­tion pe­riod, then pay­ment will con­tinue for the re­maining time to ac­com­mo­date for the 60-day no­ti­fi­ca­tion pe­riod.


When can­celling an an­nual sub­scrip­tion, all fu­ture charges as­so­ci­ated with fu­ture years of your sub­scrip­tion will be can­celled. You may no­tify us of your in­tent to cancel at any time; your can­cel­la­tion will be­come ef­fec­tive at the end of your cur­rent an­nual billing pe­riod (if no­ti­fi­ca­tion is re­ceived 60 days prior to the end of the agree­ment). You will not re­ceive a re­fund, pro­rated or oth­er­wise, for the re­mainder of the an­nual term. However, your sub­scrip­tion ac­cess and/or de­livery and ac­com­pa­nying sub­scriber ben­e­fits will con­tinue for the re­mainder of the cur­rent an­nual billing pe­riod. If out­side of the 60-day no­ti­fi­ca­tion pe­riod, then pay­ment will con­tinue for the re­maining time to ac­com­mo­date for the 60-day no­ti­fi­ca­tion pe­riod.

2. Cancellation Process

To cancel a ser­vice agree­ment with Oberon Americas, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact our fi­nance team ei­ther by phone at 1–877-830‑5553 or by email at
  2. Provide your ser­vice agree­ment de­tails, in­cluding your name, agree­ment number, and the in­tended can­cel­la­tion date.

Once we re­ceive this in­for­ma­tion our fi­nance rep­re­sen­ta­tive will guide you through the re­mainder of the can­cel­la­tion process.

3. Cancellation Fees

Cancellation of a ser­vice agree­ment within the 60-day no­tice pe­riod will not incur any can­cel­la­tion fees. However, if the can­cel­la­tion oc­curs out­side of this no­tice pe­riod, ad­di­tional charges may apply. Please con­tact our fi­nance team to in­quire about spe­cific fees re­lated to your agree­ment.

4. Refund Policy

If you have made a pay­ment in ad­vance for ser­vices and are el­i­gible for a re­fund due to a valid can­cel­la­tion within the no­tice pe­riod, our re­fund policy is as fol­lows:

  1. Refunds will be processed within 60 busi­ness days after the can­cel­la­tion is ap­proved.
  2. A re­fund may be sub­ject to de­duc­tions for any un­paid ser­vice charges or fees.

5. Exceptions

Some ser­vice agree­ments may have spe­cific can­cel­la­tion terms and con­di­tions that over­ride the gen­eral policy. Please re­view the terms and con­di­tions pro­vided in your agree­ment for any unique pro­vi­sions.

6. Contact Us

If you have any ques­tions, re­quire as­sis­tance with the can­cel­la­tion process, or need to dis­cuss spe­cific ser­vice agree­ment can­cel­la­tion terms, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact our cus­tomer sup­port team:

  • Phone: 1–877-830‑5553
  • Email:

7. Policy Updates

Oberon Americas re­serves the right to up­date or modify this ser­vice can­cel­la­tion policy at any time. It is ad­vis­able to check this page pe­ri­od­i­cally for any changes.